Spring 安全 Reminders

  • school crossing illustration As the weather improves more of our students are walking and biking to school. Please remember these safety tips and share them with your students!
    • Cross at the crosswalk. 安阿伯市的 人行横道条例 requires that motorists stop for pedestrians at or in crosswalks, but only at crosswalks.​
    • Look both ways before entering the street.And wait for the car(s) to stop before proceeding.
    • 使用信号. Traffic signals are there to help pedestrians communicate with drivers. In 安阿伯市的 downtown, all traffic signals include a pedestrian crossing interval in each signal cycle. Outside the downtown area, some signals have a pedestrian call button which, 当被追问, adds a pedestrian crossing interval.  
    • 避难. Some crosswalks have a pedestrian refuge island in the street.  Cross easily and safely, one side of traffic at a time.
    • 是可见的. In the dark, wear light-colored clothing and reflective gear to ensure your visibility.



    • Follow the rules and stop when bus flashers and the stop sign are activated. 
    • Be aware of students exiting the bus and crossing the street.


    After getting off the bus please make sure all traffic has stopped if you have to cross the street. Do not proceed into the road until all cars have come to a complete stop.